Dear Friends,
As we embrace this season of Thanksgiving, we are so incredibly grateful for our dedicated community of supporters whose generous contributions made our Ghost Light Challenge a stunning success! With their support, we surpassed our goal and earned every dollar of the board’s challenge monies. All told, 102 donors participated in our fall effort, which raised over $23,600 for The National Theatre Foundation.
Together, these contributions will go to work immediately supporting the Foundation’s award-winning community programs, preserving and enhancing our beautiful and historic Broadway-style theatre, and helping to ensure that we have the resources to reopen safely for patrons, artists, and staff later this month.
The National has been entertaining Greater Washington audiences since it opened in 1835. The theatre burned down four times, collapsed once, survived the Civil War and the Great Depression, and was almost razed by developers in the 1970s. And thanks to generous community support, finally on the cusp of our first opening night in nearly 20 months (next week!)
Didn’t get a chance to contribute this time around? Make your gift today by visiting our secure online giving portal. As ever, contributions to The National Theatre Foundation are 100% tax-deductible.
Gifts from friends like you have been and continue to be critical to helping us navigate the challenges of operating in a constantly-evolving environment. We are so grateful for our growing community of supporters and cannot wait to have you back at The National soon!
Yours sincerely,

David J. Kitto (he/him)
Executive Director
National Theatre Foundation