Wow! We are absolutely blown away.
We surpassed our 150 donor goal and earned every dollar of the board’s challenge monies. All told, 172 donors participated in our spring effort, raising over $37,000 for The National Theatre Foundation.
These contributions will go to work immediately supporting our award-winning (currently virtual) community programs, preserving and enhancing our beautiful and historic Broadway-style theatre, and ensuring that the theatre has the resources needed to reopen safely for patrons, artists, and staff when the time comes.
The National opened in 1835 and has been entertaining Greater Washington audiences ever since. The theatre burned down four times, collapsed once, and was almost razed by developers in the 1970s. It survived the Civil War, the Great Depression, and, thanks to generous donor support, it has survived this difficult year and will come back stronger than ever on the other side.
On behalf of the staff and artists at The National, thank you for your generosity. We are deeply grateful for and humbled by your support and cannot wait to welcome you back to the theatre as soon as it is safe to do so.
In these unchartered times, gifts from friends like you are critical to helping us meet the challenges of operating in a constantly-evolving environment, and contributions to The National Theatre Foundation are 100% tax-deductible.
Didn’t get a chance to contribute this time around? Don’t sweat it! Make your gift today by visiting our secure online giving portal.